3rd Party Validation

The University of Agriculture, Peshawar

3rd party evaluation of " QECs / program self-assessment process

The World Bank recommended HEC to conduct a third party evaluation of " QECs / program self-assessment process". In this regard, ten QECs were selected across Pakistan to review under this process. The HEC/ World Bank Team visited the University of Agriculture, Peshawar, for 3rd Party Evaluation of QEC and Self Assessment Process at the University on October 11, 2013. The Reviewers reviewed the documents, visited the QEC and met Stakeholders for interview (meeting with Director QEC, selected PTs, ATs and students etc.

The World Bank Consultant visited the University of Agriculture, Peshawar for 3rd party Validation of Institutional Performance Evaluation Process (IPE).

A consultant from World Bank visited the University of Agriculture Peshawar for 3rd party validation of Institutional Performance Evaluation (IPE) in the University on February 03, 2015. His visit was divided into meetings with different stakeholders. He met with Vice Chancellor, the QEC team, a group of Senior Faculty and junior faculty members and students. At the end, he met with all administrative officers i.e. Director Finance, Director P&D, Director QEC, Director Advanced Studies & Research, Director Teaching, Controller of Examinations and Registrar. In his exit meeting with Vice Chancellor his concluding remarks were very positive and he appreciated the efforts of the University in general and QEC in specific in implementing IPE standards.