Institutional Quality Circle (IQC):
Pursuant to the Pakistan Precept Standard and Guidelines PSG (2023) of the Higher Education Commission, an Institutional Quality Circle (IQC) has been constituted in the University with the following composition:
1. |
The Vice Chancellor |
Chairperson |
2. |
Pro-Vice Chancellor/ Senior Dean |
Deputy Chairperson |
3. |
All Deans |
Member |
4. |
Director Advanced Studies & Research |
Member |
5. |
Director Teaching |
Member |
6. |
Controller of Examinations |
Member |
7. |
Director ORIC |
Member |
8. |
Director Quality Assurance |
Member/Secretary |
IQC is a key tool for the Institutional Quality Assessment and Effectiveness in establishing a quality culture within the University with the following ToRs:
- 1. To monitor all relevant external guidance and requirements related to quality assurance, initiating and coordinating action as appropriate.
- 2. To develop and keep under review the University's Academic Policy and Quality Framework, that is, the systems, policies and guidance for assuring and enhancing the quality of students' learning experience and maintaining academic standards, and to consider and manage the outcomes of these processes.
- 3. To have oversight of the university's approach to assuring the completeness, accuracy, reliability and fitness for purpose of information provided for applicants and students.
- 4. To maintain operational oversight of academic and student-related policy.
- 5. To consider proposals for the addition, withdrawal, suspension, and exceptional amendment of programs of study of the university. This will normally be undertaken by chair's action for regular reporting to a subsequent meeting of the committee.
Aside from ratifying the institutional self-evaluation, the IQC shall meet on quarterly basis and its role is the ultimate delegated authority for the management of quality assurance at the University.
Download IQC Committee Notification
Download IQC Committee Notification