Review of Institutional Performance & Enhancement (RIPE)
Institutional Performance Evaluation (IPE Report)
Implementation Status on IPE report ...................
Performance Evaluation Standards for HEIs .......
University wide data ...........................................
Institutional performance is both a status and a process. It should provide a public certification of acceptable minimum quality as well as the opportunity and incentive for self-improvement in the quality providing Higher Education Institutions.
It is to be understood that an institution may be stronger than others while serious weaknesses in a particular area may negatively affect the institution's performance evaluation status. Also, meeting institutional performance evaluation standards will not assure the quality of its academic programs, courses or graduates. These standards are primarily qualitative criteria that assess the institution's current state of affairs in terms of quality and its effectiveness. A significant variation in policies, practices and resources of an institution from pre-set Performance Evaluation Standards for the HEIs developed by the Higher Education Commission, needs clear justification on their appropriateness, consistency with institution‟s mission and objectives, and effectiveness in meeting the aim of the HEC's standards.